Prompt: "Pretend you're writing your autobiography. Give us your first line, a first chapter, or even just an image. What's the story of you?"
The thought of writing a biography gives me anxiety. Synthesizing a life into a bundle of words would be a daunting task. Even documenting my own life would be immensely challenging, and I wouldn't trust myself to do it properly.
I can't imagine why anyone would want to read my autobiography in the first place. I'm not criticizing the prompt. It provides worthwhile introspection. I just don't believe I've accumulated enough valuable life experiences to showcase as worthwhile literature. Were I to write one, however, it most likely would not be linear and it would have specific focus; perhaps songwriting or working with children or an evolution of ideas I've had.
At present moment, my opening line would be: "I have a lot for which to be thankful."
This post is a part of Think Kit by SmallBox
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